In early 2005, the then United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan invited a group of the world’s largest institutional investors to join a process to develop the Principles for Responsible Investment. The Principles were launched in April 2006 and today the number of signatories has grown to over 3,000 leading asset owners and global investment managers, some of whom are investment partners of Belvest and managers whom our clients are invested with.
There are many faces to Responsible Investing, and it regularly manifests itself as acronyms such as “ESG” (Environmental, Social, Governance) or “SRI” (Socially Responsible Investing), and as individual terms such as “Ethical”, “Sustainable” and “Social”. Regardless of the nomenclature, being Responsible Investors is becoming increasingly important to our clients and relevant to professional investors. Evaluating investments based on philosophies of responsibility is increasingly identifying better investment opportunities as investors place premiums on these companies. Belvest is committed to aligning our client’s interests and facilitating investments with those companies who place a premium on better and responsible outcomes.
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