“Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder” is a phrase I’ve often found myself replying in retort – we are sadly not all blessed with
looks that appeal to the masses!

“Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder” is a phrase I’ve often found myself replying in retort – we are sadly not all blessed with
looks that appeal to the masses!
Over the last 10 years there has been $199.8bn of equity investment across 1,553 unique companies in the space economy
The economic recovery that is underway is likely to see a period of growth we haven’t seen in decades
… as Mark Twain said, “A classic is something that everybody wants to have read, and nobody wants to read”
The global recovery continued to build momentum during the second quarter, driven by developed markets, where vaccine rollout is proving to be decisive in lifting pandemic restrictions.
“Despite the defeat, one of many bright spots for England has been
the redemption of manager Gareth Southgate”
A Fund Managers performance can dictate whether they become a hero or villain in the eyes of the public
‘Relying on such a public pricing mechanism implies a high level of faith on efficient markets and to believe there is no such thing as “the madness of crowds”
History tells us that letting the
inflation genie out of the bottle is a lot easier than putting it back again
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