“The one area in which bigger may not be better is performance.”

Monthly Viewpoint – January 2022
“We are at a critical transition in the cycle. On the positive side, we
are learning to live with Covid, and in practical terms are moving
to endemic status”

Staying ahead of the game
“We are all influenced heavily by
what we experienced in childhood- the knocks leave their marks.”

New Year’s revolutions
This month will see global value
outperform the growth index by the most since MSCI records began in

Now, everyone loves a free meal
but certainly you’re not going to eat it only because it’s free, am I

Making money in bonds
Last year, US Treasuries suffered
one of their worst years this century

Turning the corner?
As we enter the third year of the
COVID-19 pandemic, uncertainty remains elevated in financial markets

Staying the course
Whilst investment is a different game altogether, similarities can be drawn between our industry and the Formula One season

Gradually and then Suddenly
Spotting dangers and threats can be a difficult skill; not least because they often hide in plain sight