Monthly viewpoint – January 2024

13 February 2024

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Markets began to consolidate in January and returns ended the month in a more mixed fashion, compared to the ‘(almost) everything rally’ seen in Q4 2023. Global developed and US equities both continued their momentum to reach all-time highs, returning 1.2% and 1.7% respectively. Equity markets in Asia continued to show limited signs of agreement, with Japan posting a 7.8% return, while further challenges in China impacted Emerging Asia, falling 5.2%. UK equities ended the month down 1% after some varied data prints, while European equities outperformed, returning 1.9%. After the bond market rally in December, markets took a step back with global bonds declining 1.3%, following a re-assessment of 2024 interest rate projections. Despite a shaky start, credit markets ended the month undisturbed with a slight 0.2% decline in investment grade. In commodities, a tumultuous month geopolitically, led to a 6.1% rise in oil.

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