10 Mar 2021
Monthly Viewpoint – February 2021

One year ago coronavirus began to ravage the global economy and stock markets. The ensuing
recession was the worst since the Great Depression, yet over those 12 months global equities have
returned almost 30%, despite a 35% decline in the initial few weeks of the pandemic.

1 Mar 2021
Are you sitting comfortably?

Ever since the global financial
crisis (GFC) when Lehman’s
failed, central banks have
been trying to accelerate
economic recovery by various
“quantitative easing” means,
which in simple terms
collectively amounted to
printing money.

22 Feb 2021
Coin Toss

While we expect that
cryptocurrencies will
become more mainstream
over the coming years,
we’ve never held Bitcoin in
portfolios, nor do we have
any plans to include it






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