“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are
Warren Buffett
Enduring Quality
Quality is possibly the most
subjective factor you will come across and one that is likely to differ depending on who you ask
Melting Ice Cubes
When the human mind is confronted with an unexpected situation or unknown event the brain suffers what is known as a “startle effect”
Fifty Shades of Green
In the longer term, it’s likely that
the integration of sustainability will be expected across the board
Credit where credit’s due
… the “war chest” of cash in money market funds that was built up early in the pandemic has been barely dipped into
Monthly Viewpoint May 2021
Confidence in economic recovery continued to mount in May, with most data and forward indicators pointing to a period of exceptional growth underway.
Jassy: Jeff’s Fresh Prince
Most of the world’s leading
companies have a public
figurehead who has charted the company’s rise to where they are
Value is in the Eye of the Beholder
“Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder” is a phrase I’ve often found myself replying in retort – we are sadly not all blessed with
looks that appeal to the masses!
Monthly Viewpoint – July 2021
In the face of a rapid spread of the delta variant, with daily Covid case numbers up almost 80% in July from June levels, concerns about the sustainability of growth re-emerged.